DIR-3 KYC E-FORM FILING: MCA E-filing, documents and due dates:-

Every Director must file the DIN KYC Annually by filing DIR-3 KYC to avoid the deactivation of Director Identification Number (DIN). Liberators.in provides the easiest DIR-3 KYC E-FORM FILING procedure. In other word, get your DIN-KYC done within few hours, just by giving some scan copy and by doing few clicks.

Liberators offers the lowest fee of Rs 499 for DIR-3 KYC E-FORM FILING in the market

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It is important to note that every person who is to be appointed as a director must have “Director’s Identification Number (DIN). If the proposed director does not already have a DIN, he/she must obtain the DIN by incorporating a Company. However, this can be obtained by making an application on the MCA portal in Form DIR – 3. DIN may also be obtained through Form INC-32 (SPICe) i.e. Single Application for Incorporation of Company.

Every person intending to become a director must have Director Identification Number. Just like PAN (PARMANENT ACCOUNT NUMBER) DIN number is permanent number valid for the lifetime of a Director.

As per Rule 12A and Rule 11(2) and (3) of the Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Directors) Rules, 2014. Every Director must file the DIN KYC Annually by filing DIR-3 KYC to avoid the deactivation of Director Identification Number (DIN). Liberators.in provides the easiest DIR-3 KYC e-form filing procedure. In other word, get your DIN-KYC done within few hours, just by giving some scan copy and by doing few clicks.

Who has to file DIR-3 KYC e-form???

As the Direction of Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), Every directors who has been allotted a DIN by or on 31st of March 2018 will have to submit his KYC details to the MCA by the 31st day of August. Further, this procedure is mandatory for Disqualified directors too.

Any other Directors who have already fulfilled the requirement of DIR-3 KYC e-form filing before 5th October 2018, now required to file DIR-3 KYC e-form filing every year.

Consequences for non-filing of DIN KYC??

If the director who is supposed to file the e-Form does not file DIR-3 KYC within the stipulated time notified by the  MCA 21 portal from Time to Time, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) will mark the DIN of such director as ‘Deactivated’ with the reason shown as ‘Non-filing of DIR-3 KYC’.

If the director wishes to re-activate his DIN in future after the deadline of the DIN KYC filing date, he can do so by paying a additional fee/penalty of ₹ 5,000 rupees. This fee would be payable after the expiry of the deadline for filing DIR-3 KYC notified from time to time. To avoid the deadline, sign up with LIberators.in or get in touch with our professionals at info@liberators.in and get on time notification of all the mandatory compliance dead line.

Necessary points to keep in mind before filing DIR-3 KYC:-

Every director’s valid personal mobile number and active personal email id will have to be provided while filing the DIR-3 KYC E-FORM. This number and email address will be verified by an one time password (OTP). In case of foreign Directors the same Rule is applicable.

 The director has to use his own Digital Signature certificate (DSC) while filing this DIR-3 KYC eForm. If the DSC is expired or lost, it’s not possible to file DIR-3 KYC form.  Therefore, its necessary to renew the DSC as soon as possible. In other words, you can renew your DSC within 30 Minutes by visiting our website Liberators.in.

Further, to ensure that complete and right information is provided while filing the DIR-3 KYC EFORM. The e-Form should be certified by a practicing Chartered Accountant or Company Secretary or Cost and Management Accountant.

Is it necessary to provide phone number for Foreign Directors??


Yes, it’s mandatory to provide the foreign number of the Foreign Directors. OTP will be sent in that particular phone number and in the given mail id of the Foreign Directors.


Contact us by filling out the form below.



DIR-3 KYC due date for 2019:-

A director who’s been allotted Director Identification number (DIN) under the companies Act,2013, It is mandatory to file DIR-3 KYC E-Form every year.The last date of filing DIR-3 KYC is not yet declared by Ministry of Corporate Affair. However, once it is declared all the Directors must file DIR-3 KYC within 30 days from the date of the notification.

To get early notification free register with us. For more details Contact Liberators.in

Step by Step Procedure for DIR-3 KYC Filing :-

Download the DIR-3 KYC form:

1.We, Professionals of in always recommend you to download the DIR-3 KYC Forms directly from the MCA site given below to get the updated E-forms. In others words if you download the DIR-3 KYC Forms randomly from any service provider website, it wouldn’t upload in the MCA portal at the end because it may not be updated.


2.Arrange the Following documents before you start the DIN KYC process:-

A.Permanent Account Number (PAN)

B.Any one of the following Address Proof:-

  • Voter Identity Card
  • Passport
  • Driving License
  • Adhar Card

C.Active mail id

D.Active Phone Number

E.Attest the pan scan copy and any one of the above mentioned address proof by a company Secretary, Charted Accountant or Cost Accountant with sign and Stamp. Liberators Professionals will take care the whole process one you sign up for DIN KYC services.

F.Digital signature for Signing the DIR-3 KYC E-froms.







3.Open the DIR-3 KYC E-form and enter your DIN (Director Identification Number). To know whether your DIN is active or not contact Liberators.in Professionals. Once you enter the Pre-fill button the name of the Director will pop-up.

4.Second step is to enter the Director name, Director’s Fathers name, citizenship, nationality, date of birth followed by Pan and Adhar number.

5.Third step is to enter one valid mail id and an active phone number in the E-form to get the OTP to complete the Final process.

6.Fourth step is to enter the permanent address and temporary address. In addition, make sure the permanent address and the address given in the address proof (more fully described in point 2) should be same. Select yes in point number 19 of the DIR-3 KYC form if the present address and the permanent address are same.

7.Fifth step Attach the proof of permanent address attested more fully described in point 2 (e) along with identity proof (PAN card scan copy more fully described in point number 2 (e).

8.In the Sixth step select all the clarification points. In the last points of “ to be digitally signed” mention the category of the professional; whether a charted accountant or company secretary or Cost accountant. Select whether he is a associate or Fellow. Finally, mention membership number of the professional.

9.Once all the above mentioned steps from 1 to 8 duly followed, click check form. If no error appeared on the screen than get the DIN KYC e-forms signed by the Director and the professional (CS and CA).

10.Now click on “send OTP” in point number 14 and 15 of E-from. Thereafter, you will receive OTP both on mobile and email id. Carefully enter both the email id OTP and mobile number OTP separately in the box given in point number 15 and 16 of DIN KYC E-FROM.

11.The next step is to click on “verify OTP”, If all the process has been duly completed than “verification successful” screen will appear on the e-form.

12.The final step of DIR-3 KYC after meeting the entire requirement from point to one to point eleven mentioned above is to click “pre-scrutiny”. If all the above steps are followed and implemented properly than a “no pre-scrutiny error will appear on the screen. There after the proposed applicant can upload the e form in the MCA portal.

For the smooth understanding we have uploaded the DIR-3 KYC FORMS in three pages.


DIR-3 KYC E-FORM FILING is a mandatory compliance recently introduced by the Govt. Its a very simple procedure but avoidance of which can cause huge penalty plus DIN deactivation. There fore to support all the Directors Liberators.in has published this DIR-3 KYC E-FORM FILING detailed procedure. If you find in difficulties kindly contact our professional at 6371047987 for free consultation.

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